Take part in one of the biggest issues of our time and make a bold statement, letting all your friends and enemies know that feces should no longer be ignored or considered “taboo”. After all, what could be more human than a bowel movement? It’s practically the opposite of breathing or any other form of communication. To all that join the cause, we thank you, Sincerely, Support Our Poops™
* Not actually made from recycled human waste
Determined that gasoline was an inefficient and expensive fuel, Dr. Poopagio set out to develop an engine powered by the waste of modern civilization. read full story & more... |
Approximately one in 17 persons in this country will develop colorectal cancer at some point in life. About half of those people will lose their life because of it. However, simple routine screenings can drastically improve your chances to beat colon cancer. We hope this poopaganda™ will help remind people of the importance of their bowel movement. Our ability to live a cancer free life depends on our poops, won't you support them? 50¢ of each $5.00 magnet sale will be donated to The Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation* (preventcancer.org) to aid in colon cancer research and awareness. * We are not affiliated with The Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation Approximately one in 17 persons in this country will develop colorectal cancer at some point in life. more info: http://www.aafp.org/afp/990600ap/3083.html Medline Plus, Colorectal Cancer Info http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/colorectalcancer.html Colorectal Cancer (PDQ®): Prevention http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/prevention/colorectal/patient Risk Factors and Recommendations for Early Detection http://www.aafp.org/afp/990600ap/3083.html |